Essential Health Management – Prevention and Care enlightens participants on common killer diseases on the rise in Nigeria such as cancers, heart disease, stroke etc and the dangers of overlooking the silent killer - high blood pressure which is the highest
risk factor for stroke, heart attacks, and other serious ailments.
Did you know that Nigeria is almost matching the western world on heart disease because of the current trend in adopting processed western diets?
This course educates participants on ways to prevent disease, manage existing health conditions to reduce symptoms and negative effects, and possibly reverse diseases majorly caused by poor lifestyle choices and also provides approaches on improving overall
health, healthy diet options best for specific health conditions and recommends simple ways to stay physically active.
Bearing in mind that you are responsible for your health and achieving optimal health is usually achieved by making healthy lifestyle choices daily, this course will expose you to the benefits of adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
some of which are: reducing the risk of most diseases, sharpening your memory, managing your emotions, improving flexibility, balance and coordination as you age, and overall lengthening your life.
The course also explores the dangers of toxin overload in the body as another major cause of diseases such as cancers and proffers solutions to coping with the biochemical, nutritional, and environmental toxins, including ways to eliminate toxins from
the body.
In addition it enlightens participants on the emerging health threats for the new generation including a rise in obesity in young adults - the major risk factor for chronic diseases such as, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and strokes which were
previously known as age-related diseases. Also, the course provides approaches to enable millennials be less prone to these diseases and toxins from the environment, diet (fast foods), technology, cosmetics etc.
Living with chronic disease may change the way you live, see yourself and relate to others and may also mean adjusting to the demands of the condition – this can create additional stress and alter wellness. This course provides the facts about common
chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc. At the end of this course, participants will feel more confident, comfortable and in control of their health.
Adopting and maintaining the recommendations provided will enable participants deliberately improve healthy behaviors and lower health risks and ensure they are better prepared to achieve optimal health. If you set goals to make these approaches a reality
in your life, not only will you feel the difference almost immediately, it will also make a significant impact on your life, these are well worth the effort if you want to a healthy, happy and long life.
- Health and Wellness
- The Body Keeps the Score
- High Blood Pressure Awareness
- Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease
- Stroke – Warning Signs
- Diabetes – Prevention and Care
- Cancer and Carcinogen Awareness
- Cleansing and Detoxification
- Challenges of Health for the New Generation
Course Objectives
the end of the Course, participants will be able to:
- Identify several stressors, as well as learn strategies for dealing with stress.
- Understand warning signs of Stroke
- Measures to take in preventing and reversing Heart disease
- Recognize the warning signs of a heart attack
- Identify possible carcinogens, ways to prevent and reverse cancer through lifestyle adjustments
- Identify the risk involved in overlooking High Blood Pressure
- Identify common ailments such as diabetics; its prevention and management
- Understand the importance of detox and methods for detoxifying
- Be informed about health tips for Millennials who are family members