3 Courses
Strategic Life Planning
Health & Leisure Basics exposes participants to common lifestyle-related diseases on the rise in Nigeria. These preventable chronic diseases such as high blood pressure which is known as the silent killer and can lead to other fatal health conditions like stroke, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease etc. Identifying the causes of lifestyle diseases is critical, because the elimination of the causes is the obvious and only way to achieve healing and an improvement in health.
This course will enable participants recognize their unhealthy habits and hopefully begin to reverse them which is crucial in living a healthy and active life. It is never too late to make lifestyle modifications.
Strategic Life Planning
Social connections are important because not only do they give us pleasure, they also influence our long-term health and increase lifespan. Positive social connections and healthy relationships aids sleep, improves diet, prevent smoking, improves mental and emotional wellbeing, and straightens the immune system as well as physical health.
The course will also enlighten participants on how to prevent and manage possible age related diseases and provide best tips to aging gracefully – following these approaches will help you achieve a healthy and happy fulfilled life.
Strategic Life Planning
Personal Financial Management educates participants on managing their money effectively and efficiently by planning, controlling and directing their financial resources towards achieving financial freedom.
The economy is a key factor in financial decisions, and this course will help participants understand how to manage their finances by reducing uncertainty. You will learn strategies and how to minimize financial stress and finance related pressure that can contribute to health issues, absenteeism and ultimately reduce workplace productivity.