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What is a Quality Life?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined quality of life as “An individual’s perception of his or her living situation, understood in a cultural context, value system and in relation to the objectives, expectations and standards of a given society”.

From this definition it can be seen that quality of life depends on what an individual considers to be a life of quality. Whereas one person may define quality of life according to wealth or satisfaction with life, another person may define it in terms of capabilities.

Another definition from the Encyclopedia Britannica states that, “Quality of life refers to the degree to which an individual is healthy, comfortable, and able to participate in or enjoy life events”.

This shows that the experience an individual has in his or her own life, and the living conditions in which he or she finds himself or herself will form the opinion he will have on what quality of life he or she is living.

The basis of living a life of quality is therefore dependent of the individual’s views, perceptions and opinions and sometimes life experiences.

A disabled person may judge his life to be of a high quality, whereas a healthy person who has recently lost a job and has no means of earning income may say he is living a low quality of life.

How Quality of Life Impacts an Individual

The quality of life of a person has a whole lot of impact on the total wellbeing of that person in terms of physical and mental health, social relationships, finance etc. It affects the way a person feels, thinks, interacts with others and even affects his financial status.

Sometimes people become preoccupied and worried with little pieces of their budget. ‘Can I afford this house?’ ‘I have to tell my friends I can’t afford their asoebi because it means money.’ ‘Where am I going to be in 10 years?’ ‘Am I going to be a failure?’’

The Impact on Your Feelings

Quality of life tends to impact individuals emotionally. We hear people sometimes expressing feelings of hopelessness, fear, resentment, anger and bitterness the worst of all. Most times some people blame others for their failures and woes, and neglect to see where they might have gone wrong.

To become more positive, we have to make a conscious decision to change our thinking and accept that life will bring difficulty and negative moments. Our choice must be to live effectively within the challenging times and make the most out of any difficult situation in order to improve the way we live.

How to Feel Better and Practice Self-care in Less Than 15 Minutes

Clear Your Mind

Take a brief meditation break. It’s simple: Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. When you get distracted, just bring your attention back to your breath.

When you’re done, you could feel more positive and patient. That’s just what you need to shift the energy of your day and help you bounce back from stress.  

Get Outside

Step outdoors for a few minutes to pull some weeds, sit in the sunshine, or just get some fresh air. Research shows that time outside can give you more energy, a better memory, and less anxiety. Even if you’re in a city, notice trees, flowers, and parks. Soak up nature to give yourself a boost.

Have a Laugh

Read a few pages of a funny book, watch a clip of your favorite comedian, or call a friend who always cracks you up. Laughter obviously lightens your mood, plus it stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles. It makes your brain release more feel-good endorphins. And it can relax your muscles and help your circulation.

Count What’s Good

Pick up a pen and list at least a few things you’re grateful for today. Think about your relationships, things that went well, and any positive parts of your life -- big or small. People who do this feel better and are less bothered by stress. And it can take very little time to do.

Wish Someone Well

Practicing compassion for others tends to make you feel better, too. Choose someone: a friend, family member, co-worker, or even a stranger. In your mind, send them wishes to be happy and healthy and live with ease. This quick exercise can make you more satisfied with your own life.

Take a Walk

Lace up your shoes. A stroll around the neighborhood can lift your mood and bust stress. Stuck in a rut? Research shows your next big idea could be just a walk away. It can boost creative thinking.

Turn on Some Tunes

DJ, put on something peppy! Play a few of your favorite songs to relax and lighten your mood. Research shows music has all kinds of benefits -- it can reduce anxiety and pain. If you feel moved to get up and dance, even better.

Check a Chore Off Your List

What small task has been lurking in the back of your mind for too long? Change that burned-out light bulb, return that email, make that appointment. The satisfaction of getting something small done could stop stress and give you the momentum to tackle more.


Call a friend to catch up, email a family member to check in, or text a colleague to meet you for coffee. Making contact with other people builds social connections and gives you more support. Studies support this: Better relationships are one of the best ways to become happier.

Do a Good Deed

Open a door for someone. Donate to a cause you believe in. Sign up for a volunteer project. Help a family member with a small task. Studies prove that when you show kindness to other people, it makes you feel good. And it can be quick to do, any day of the week.

Stretch Yourself

Reach for your toes! Take a short break to gently stretch your neck, shoulders, lower back, thighs, and hips. Try yoga moves, like downward dog, mountain pose, or cat-cow. When you stretch, it lowers stress and sends extra blood to your muscles.

Hug It Out

Find a friend or family member and ask for a hug. That warm squeeze will give you a lift -- and could even make conflict less upsetting, according to one study. Hugging could also help your immune system, another study says.

Give Yourself a Pep Talk

“I can handle this.”

Practice positive self-talk. Try to reverse any negative thoughts you have. If you’re worried about a mistake you made, tell yourself, “Everyone messes up. I can fix it.”

Say a few upbeat mantras to yourself out loud -- it can change your thinking and cut your stress.

Write a Thank You Note

Jot down a few words of appreciation to someone who has helped you. You can express thanks for recent favors, birthday gifts, or long-lasting support. One study showed people who did this actually trained themselves to be more grateful.

Are You Living With Purpose? It Could Lengthen Your Life

There are a lot of tips out there on how to live longer: Eat healthy. Exercise more often. Get restful sleep. We have good data showing that doing those things, along with regular preventive screenings, can prolong life.

But what about living a purposeful life? Does having a sense of purpose help you to live longer? Some recent research suggests it just may be the secret to longevity. People’s mental outlook can extend one’s life. It may not be as simple as surviving by sheer will power, but the mind-body connection is powerful.

Having a sense of purpose also makes a huge psychological difference. How do you feel when you are on a mission? Motivated? Focused? Strong? Don’t underestimate the power of the mind-body connection.

So along with eating those fruits and vegetables, and getting those 10,000 (!) steps a day, think about what you want people to remember you for, as well as what motivates you to get up in the morning. If you haven’t yet developed an awareness of purpose, there are a lot of resources out there to help you, and we highly encourage you to spend some time today thinking about it. And, keep in mind, your purpose will change over time, so you may need to revisit the question of purpose as you get older. But it’s worth the effort: By living with awareness of why you’re here, you’ll like be here longer.