Welcoming a new baby and becoming a parent can be life transforming. You
may be surprised how real life parenting can be so far removed from what you anticipated. It is only firsthand experience that will prepare you for the journey ahead. That been said, the pleasure of motherhood far outweighs its challenges.
course will help you prepare, prevent and limit “ I wish I had known better moments”, guide you to take necessary actions promptly, help you accept the things you cannot change and to know when to ask for help.
- To educate people especially women on how to take care of their newborn baby or babies, and understand how to handle issues that may arise in their early life.
- To educate new parents on impacts of having a newborn baby in the family and help them embrace their new responsibilities with ease.
- To help families bond and build better relationships, even in the mist of challenges.
Module 1 - A Baby's Experience of the World
Free Preview here:
Help you understand common issues your newborn might face and how to handle them effectively.
Module 2 - Common Breastfeeding Problems
Teach you best position for breastfeeding your little one.
Identify problems that could arise as a result of breastfeeding and ways of solving them.
Module 3 - Family Matters
Understand challenging aspects of having a new baby and ways of coping with them.
Understand the importance of bonding with your newborn.
Identify practical
and pleasurable ways to embracing your new baby.
Know how to balance your priorities and build better intimate relationship with your spouse.
Module 4 - What To Expect from Post-partum Care Of Mother And Child ("Omugwo")
To learn about the importance of support during post partum recovery and how to identify people who can provide support.
Know the differences in care given to women who gave birth naturally and those who had a C– section delivery.
Identify the best diet for a new mother.
Module 5 - What If...?
Understand how to take care of your physical and mental health in the event of the loss of a pregnancy or a newborn baby.
This online course is designed for adults, especially first time mothers and fathers, and anyone with interest in having children and building a happy family.
You don't need special skills and/or experience to start this unique online course. All you need is an open mind, willingness to learn and a positive outlook on life! Start straight away and learn at your own pace, and we will help you monitor your progress
as you go along.